[Mailman-Users] Wiki (was: Versions? Roadmap?)

David Gibbs david at midrange.com
Wed May 17 17:50:38 CEST 2006

Mark Sapiro wrote:
> We would be glad to have your input and involvement. Please visit our
> new wiki at http://wiki.list.org/ which we hope will answer some of
> your questions.

Is there a place in the wiki where feature requests should be logged
(other than on the SF page)?

For instance: On the mailman 2.2 page, in the Spam defenses section, I
would like to see SpamAssassin integration ... but I'm unsure if I
should just add it to that page, or if something like that should be
added by an admin.


Any decision, made in haste, is invariably flawed...
regardless of the outcome.

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