[Mailman-Users] HELP!!!

Kane STERLING Kane.STERLING at gol.gsi.gov.uk
Wed Jun 21 11:45:03 CEST 2006

I sent a mail out to one of my lists and it's sent over 50 of the same
mail to it! How can I stop it immediately?!
Kane Sterling
Contracts and Procurement Executive
Accommodation & Procurement Team
Corporate Strategy Division
6th Floor
Riverwalk House
157-161 Millbank
(T) 0207 217 3352
(F) 0207 217 3501
Government Office for London - Representing Central Government across
the Capital

The original of this email was scanned for viruses by Government Secure Intranet (GSi)  virus scanning service supplied exclusively by Cable & Wireless in partnership with MessageLabs.
On leaving the GSI this email was certified virus free.
The MessageLabs Anti Virus Service is the first managed service to achieve the CSIA Claims Tested Mark (CCTM Certificate Number 2006/04/0007), the UK Government quality mark initiative for information security products and services.  For more information about this please visit www.cctmark.gov.uk
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