[Mailman-Users] Help with Mailman and Sendmail

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Sun Dec 3 22:20:40 CET 2006

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net> writes:

> David Abrahams wrote:
>>Mark, thank you!  This looks a *lot* easier than what I was trying to
>>do, and perhaps the post even implies that what I was trying to do
>>won't work:
>>  "many people cannot use David Champion's mm-handler due to shared
>>   use of domains"
>>(what exactly does he mean by "shared use of domains?")
> He means a given domain which is the recipient domain for both list
> mail and at least some non-list mail.  mm-handler works best if the
> lists have their own domain which doesn't receive non-list mail.

So I gathered.  That's what I was doing by trying to designate
lists.boost-consulting.com as the domain for mailman.  I think I'd
still like to maintain that separation in case I need to switch to
mm-handler someday.

> Then Sendmail is configured so all the mail to
> that domain goes to mm-handler for delivery to Mailman. If there are
> other, non-list addresses in the same domain, they have to be handled
> via their own aliases 'ahead of' mm-handler. 

Oh, so every regular user in that domain needs to be dealt with via an
alias somehow?

> If there are a lot of these, the problem of handling the non-list
> addresses becomes larger than the problem of handling list mail via
> aliases without mm-handler.
> Of course, there are other MTAs (e.g., Exim) that can be configured to
> determine whether an address should be routed to Mailman by examining
> the Mailman file system to determine if a particular name is a Mailman
> list, 

Yeah, we tried exim but failed to make exim to do SMTP AUTH via the
same saslauthd that was being used for Cyrus, and the exim list was of
little help to us, so we had to give up on it.

> but with Sendmail, the easier way is probably the method
> referenced in the FAQ.

Thanks.  If I hack up a Python script for this purpose I will post it

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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