[Mailman-Users] urgent: list sends lots of email to list-admin

Rudy Gevaert rudy at zeus.UGent.be
Thu Mar 18 18:29:38 CET 2004

On Thu, Mar 18, 2004 at 11:25:26AM -0500, Atkins, Brian wrote:
> Open relay?

It's now fixed.  The problem was one user who had made an wrong php
script and that kept sending mails that created a loop.

The webpages run under the user id, and so I tought that mailman send
those mails.  What wasn't so.
Rudy Gevaert                rudy at zeus.UGent.be
Web page                    http://www.webworm.org
Schamper sysadmin           http://www.schamper.ugent.be
GNU/Linux user and Savannah hacker http://savannah.gnu.org
Poor man wanna be rich , rich man wanna be king and The king ain't satisfied
till he rules everything

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