[Mailman-Users] I can't seem to get the urls right

Shaun T. Erickson ste at smxy.org
Wed Mar 17 03:22:01 CET 2004

Shaun T. Erickson wrote:

> Richard Barrett wrote:
>> This FAQ entry may help:
>> http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py?req=show&file=faq04.029.htp
> Based on that faq entry, I added the following to my mm_cfg.py and 
> issued a 'mailmanctl restart' (was that required?), but it didn't change 
> anything:
> DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'lists.smxy.org'
> DEFAULT_URL_HOST = 'lists.smxy.org'
> I must still be doing something wrong ...

I appended "add_virtualhost('gaamc-lists.org', 'gaamc-lists.org')" to 
the above, to handle another virtual domain I needed mailing lists in. 
It works fine. Can anlyone please help me figure out why I can't get it 
to work for "lists.smxy.org"?

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