[Mailman-Users] Problem with news gateway

Peter H.M. Brooks peter at phmb.biz
Fri Apr 9 03:58:48 CEST 2004

I've had a look through the archives and other documentation and can't find a solution to this.

I've set up the maillist <-> news gateway and it claims to have caught up with the old messages, but no messages turn up and it doesn't find new ones. It looks as if I need to specify the logon for the news server. There isn't anywhere to do this, though and I can't find the configuration files - one posting talks of *.pf config files that contain the news set up.

Is there a debug option that can be set? I am setting up the maillist on a linux host to which I only have cpanel access. I had hoped to see the config files in my directory, but there is no sign of anything - where might they be hiding?

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