[Mailman-Users] Migrating from Lyris to Mailman - Looking for functionality and/or workarounds

CARTER Anthony a.carter at cordis.lu
Fri Jul 18 09:16:57 CEST 2003

For point 1, yes you lose this. However, I think it may be possible to
get some info by configuring webalizer to read the mailman log files. I
am not sure on this point though.

Point 2. You will find in the templates folder (en for english) a
footer.html that gets added. You may edit that as you wish. (just run
arch program to update the archives with it).

Point 3 I think that mailman does support virtual servers, but I have no
experience of this. So don't hold me to it even being available.


On Thu, 2003-07-17 at 20:08, Miles Fawcett wrote:
> We are in the process of migrating from Lyris to Mailman/Sendmail. We
> are very excited about this migration however we loose some
> functionality which our nonprofit list managers are concerned about. We
> are trying to work through/around these issues.
> I would appreciate any information anyone has on Mailman functionality I
> may be missing or work-arounds to achieve the following:
>  - Daily, weekly, and/or monthly subscription reports to list managers
> with numbers of new subscriptions, unsubscribe, bounces, etc.
>  - Footer message included in body of HTML emails (not an attachment)
>  - Subscriber expiration dates so that a subscriber becomes in-active
> after specified date
>  - Create virtual servers so "Overview of Mailing Lists" only include
> lists for a virtual domain
> Thanks very much.
> Miles
> Miles Fawcett, President
> direct 202.449.7222 - main 202.265.3700 - eFax 202.742.5704
> email miles at iapps.com - AIM:miles202 - website www.iapps.com
> I N T E R A C T I V E   A P P L I C A T I O N S   G R O U P   I N C
> (iapps)
> Strategic Internet Solutions for Foundations and Nonprofits
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