[Mailman-Users] Footer message in html email

Jason Buscema jpbuse at lambesis.com
Wed Jul 16 16:02:44 CEST 2003

In my specific instance, no list member posts to the list. Its a one-way
list only. I use mime-mail to generate the HTML message each day then send
to the Mailman list. So this *could* be a solution.

In the past with HTML messages we've stuck text at the bottom but it has
been part of the HTML message itself. In this case, I need to have the
personalization of Mailman. There are other ways I can do it, such as have
mime-mail and PHP generate a unique email for each user, but I really want
to avoid going that for many reasons.

On 7/16/03 5:55 AM, "Jon Carnes" <jonc at nc.rr.com> wrote:

> That would certainly work, but the problem is that ordinary folks using
> the mailing list would probably simply ignore that advice when they
> post.
> On Wed, 2003-07-16 at 08:37, Ed Wilts wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 02:18:27PM +0200, Brad Knowles wrote:
>>> The problem is how to embed something like this within the HTML,
>>> so that it would work for everyone.  And there is no easy answer for
>>> that question.
>> How about doing something simply obvious, like forcing the sending
>> poster to use something like MAILMAN_FOOTER in the HTML.  Then mailman
>> could simply scan the html code for the keyword and do an in-place
>> substitution.  Grossly simple, so I'm probably overlooking something...
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