[Mailman-Users] Displaying # of msgs in the archive TOC

Sean Adams sadams at slimdevices.com
Wed Jul 9 01:05:33 CEST 2003

Here's an utterly filthy perl hack to go back and put the numbers in  
after the archives are generated:
Don't have time to learn python right now. :)

Just put [n_%(archive)s] in the archtocentry.html template where you  
want it to appear, then call this script at the end of bin/arch.


$base = "/YOUR_MAILMAN_BASE_DIR/archives/public";


opendir BASEDIR, $base;
foreach $list (sort(readdir(BASEDIR))) {
         $list=~/^\./ && next;
         -d"$base/$list" || next;
         $list=~/\.mbox$/ && next;

         $v && print "$list\n";
         opendir LISTDIR, "$base/$list";
         foreach $month (sort(readdir(LISTDIR))) {
                 $month=~/^\d+\-\w+$/ || next;

                 open MONTHINDEX, "$base/$list/$month/date.html";
                 while ($line=<MONTHINDEX>) {
                         if ($line=~/<b>Messages:<\/b>\s*(\d+)<p>/) {

                 $v && print "\t$month\t$n{$month}\n";


         open TOC, "$base/$list/index.html";
         foreach $month (keys(%n)) {
         open TOC, ">$base/$list/index.html";
         print TOC $toc;

On Tuesday, July 8, 2003, at 01:44 PM, Sean Adams wrote:

> I'm setting up a new mailman server, and I thought a nice touch would  
> be to show the number of messages for each month in the archive index.
> I see that there is a %(size)s template variable when viewing the  
> index, but it does not apply in the TOC. Can anyone suggest a quick  
> hack for a non-python-speaker who's new to this code?
> thanks,
> Sean
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