[Mailman-Users] Silently unsubscribing members

Simon White simon at caperet.com
Tue Dec 16 15:29:56 CET 2003

I spoke a while ago about a script I had written to unsubscribe people
from lists without a confirmation step.

Here's a package that does that for you, and also emails confirmation of
people who have left each day or each hour depending on how you set it
up with cron.

It's rather a mess of bash scripting and a PHP example, one way among
many others to automate this task. However it's been useful to me. I've
tried to make it a little bit robust by using testing within the script
instead of just listing a bunch of commands, so it should recover from
some errors, maybe even letting you know about them.

This is in use over at www.tiboo.com if any of you are young parents who
speak French...

So, if you want any info about setting it up feel free to contact me.
The instructions are all there already though, if they seem like Greek
to you then this tool isn't for you in the first place.


Simon White. Internet Consultant, Linux/Windows Server Administration.
email, dns and web servers; php javascript perl asp; MySQL MSSQL Access
     Bridging the gap between management, HR and the tech team.

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