[Mailman-Users] Max reciepients

Jeff Donovan donovan at beth.k12.pa.us
Thu Dec 4 18:10:31 CET 2003


i have created a bunch of lists. Now i just noticed that the 
max_num_recipients is set to 10 on all messages.

I have to go to all of my lists and set this to  ' 0 '.
Why does this not make sense to me?

If i have 76 users, shouldn't all 76 users be allowed to recieve the 
messages posted to the list without moderator approval?
What if more members join?, So therefore i have to eliminate this 
number and add a zero. Shouldn't it be 76+ ?

Is there a way to change this setting for all of my users?


jeff donovan
basd network operations
(610) 807 5571 x4
AIM  xtdonovan 

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