[Mailman-Users] Announce only issue...please help!

WREL WeatherCenter weather at wrel.com
Thu Aug 21 06:33:48 CEST 2003

My domain has migrated to a new server with Mailman 2.1.2. We have an
announce only "one way" mailing list for news and weather information with
~300 members.

I have the list in .txt ready for Mass Mailing. However I am stumped on the
following issues:

1. Is there a way to set up Mailman to only allow my email address to post
to the list, and
2. automatically reject posting attempts from anyone else without?

I've gone to our server techs who don't offer much help. Can't find this in
the config, nor in the discussion groups.

If you could help, we'd be extremely grateful.

Best regards.

Scott Lancey
WREL Radio

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