[Mailman-Users] Mailman/htdig problem

Richard Barrett R.Barrett at ftel.co.uk
Wed Apr 30 14:51:21 CEST 2003

At 11:18 30/04/2003, Timothy Arnold wrote:
>I have recently installed mailman 2.1.2 with the relevent htdig patches and
>I still cannot get it to work.
>For a given list, the search box is displayed and the configuration file for
>the list is generated but the search funtionality doesn't work - I look in
>the error log and I find
>Apr 30 10:56:39 2003 (12488) htsearch for list: test5, existatus: 1
>Apr 30 10:56:39 2003 (12488) htsearch for list: test5, cause: htsearch,
>detail: -12-
>On the archive page, it reports that the search index has yet to be built -
>do I need to run nightly_htdig for each list when it is created?

Until nightly_htdig is first run there will be no per-list htdig search 
indexes for htsearch to use. It is usually a good idea to send an initial 
message to a list which is being archived, which will cause htdig to be 
setup for the list (per-list htdig.conf created and search form added to 
the list's TOC page), and then run nightly_htdig from the command line (as 
the mailman uid) to generate an initial set of htdig indexes for the list.

Just copy the command for running nightly_htdig in the modified mailman 
crontab generated by the htdig integration patch

Bear in mind that, in common with most search engines, htdig does not 
search the web pages when a user submits a search query; rather some part 
of the search engine's suite of programs (rundig in the case of htdig) 
builds search indexes for the material and it is from these indexes that a 
user's search query is satisfied. That is also why the search form has the 
date/time indexing was last run for the list embedded in it with the 
caution that more recent archive material will not be found.

btw: this issue is covered in the third paragraph under the heading 
"Operational Information" in INSTALL.htdig-mm.

>Timothy Arnold, Server & Network Infrastructure Support Officer, Internet
>Becta, Coventry, CV4 7JJ, UK                      Voice: +44 24 7684 7169
>email: timothy.arnold at becta.org.uk                Fax:   +44 24 7641 1418
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