[Mailman-Users] Trouble getting hypermail to work with mailman

Eric Miller eric.miller at padtinc.com
Wed Apr 30 06:04:38 CEST 2003

Dear all,

I'm trying to set up my list and have had good luck so far.
Not satisfied with pipermail, I decided to try hypermail.
But no matter what I do, it always runs pipermail and never
hypermail.  I'm stumped.

My list is called xansys_test.

My mm_cfg.py file has:
PUBLIC_ARCHIVE_URL = '/archives/xansys_test'
PRIVATE_ARCHIVE_URL = '/archives/xansys_test'

No matter what value I set ARCHIVE_TO_MBOX to, it always runs pipermail.

I am guessing that I am missing the obvious command/option.

Some things I've checked:

1: ran check_perms OK
2: cat'd an mbox into the above hypermail command OK
3: Tried every value of ARCHIVE_TO_MBOX

Any help is much appreciated.


Eric Miller
Director, CAD &
Software Services
Phoenix Analysis &
Design Technologies
(480) 813-4884, x103

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