[Mailman-Users] Question re: interfacing list with MySQL and message throttling

Norbert Bollow nb at cisto.com
Wed Sep 25 01:29:19 CEST 2002

> mailing list of 1 million constituent members within 12 hours.

  your requirements sound like Ezmlm (with the Ezmlm-index patches
which among other things provdes a MySQL interface) would be the
best solution for your needs in terms of currently-existing software.
Ezmlm reuires Qmail as the MTA; there are some (relatively obscure)
Qmail tricks that allow you to do the rate-throttling you want.

> if a proprietary solution would have to be developed

One of the big drawbacks of Ezmlm is that it doesn't come with a
genuine Free Software license, so it'll have to be classified as
"proprietary" (even if its licensing situation not nearly as evil as
with most other proprietary software).

If this bothers you, you could sponsor the development of performance
enhancements for Mailman that will make it very suitable for
situations like you describe.

> 2) would like to know if any MLM, whether Mailman or not, has a
> built-in facility for throttling the rate at which messages are
> delivered to particular domains like AOL or Yahoo

This kind of thing needs to be implemented in the MTA... maybe Mailman
should come with a special-purpose MTA?  (One which does only the
first round of delivery attempts for any given message, with per
recipient host rate-throttling, and while doing this using the disk
only for journaling... actually I probably should have proposed this
on the mailman-developers list.)

Greetings, Norbert.

Founder & Steering Committee member of http://gnu.org/projects/dotgnu/
Norbert Bollow, Weidlistr.18, CH-8624 Gruet (near Zurich, Switzerland)
Tel +41 1 972 20 59        Fax +41 1 972 20 69       http://norbert.ch
List hosting with GNU Mailman on your own domain name http://cisto.com

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