[Mailman-Users] Approval via email response broken in 2.1b3?

Stonewall Ballard sb.list at sb.org
Wed Sep 25 20:58:12 CEST 2002

On 9/25/02 10:54 AM, "Stonewall Ballard" <sb.list at sb.org> wrote:

> I've been trying out the moderation system in 2.1b3, and have found that
> using the reply mechanism has no effect - the message stays in the approval
> queue.
> The reply goes to the list-request address. The Subject is "confirm <a long
> string>". I put the line "Approved: listpassword" on the first line of the
> reply.
> Is this known to work or is broken?

To answer my own question, this turns out to be a bug, since it throws an
exception in MailList.py when it gets an email confirm for a held message,
at least when the approved: line is in the body of the message.

 - Stoney

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