[Mailman-Users] Mailto Link? 2nd time

Detlef Neubauer detlef.neubauer at charite.de
Wed Oct 2 15:20:01 CEST 2002

"Sparklez Grrl" <innocence_wasted at hotmail.com> writes:

> I was wondering if there was a way for me to .. make a mailto link to
> a request_to_join at domainname.com (for example).. that goes directly to
> the mailman database and submits them as a subscriber and don't have
> to go to the general list info page? Thanks..


You can make <a href="mailto:list-request at domain.tld?subject=subcribe;body=subscribe">foobar</a>
If this not work, try , not ;.
Or <a href="http://host.domain.tld/mailman/listinfo/list">foobar</a>

Please send no Cc.
Detlef Neubauer
.oO GnuPG Key auf http://www.keyserver.net/ Oo.

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