[Mailman-Users] Almost there!

Tom Whiting wolf at wolfstream.net
Sat Nov 2 11:58:47 CET 2002

Check your apache handlers, as that looks to be the problem in this case.

On Saturday 02 November 2002 5:56 am, Emmett Culley wrote:
> I've successfully installed Mailman 2.1b4 and have one list working.
> I've also added the mailman list as suggested in the installation
> instructions.  The mailman list partially works.  That is, you can post
> to it and members get the posts.  However, I am not able to access the
> mailman list via the web interface.
> Entering the URL http://www.mindpie.com/mailman/admin/mailman always
> take the browser to http://www.mindpie.com/mailman/listinfo.  As a
> matter of fact, any URL ending in mailman (i.e.,
> www.mindpie.com/mailman/admindb/mailman) does the same thing.
> Where have I gone wrong?
> Regards,
> Emmett

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