[Mailman-Users] Mailman question

Devin Henderson devin at theinternet.info
Thu May 30 12:22:42 CEST 2002

Hi. I'm using Mailman 2.0.10. I have three rather simple questions.

I had an auto-responder under 'Should Mailman send an auto-response to 
mailing list posters?' that informed the poster that they are not 
allowed to post because this list is used as a newsletter and only the 
admin can post to it. Because of this it doesn't make sense to respond 
to posters with info about their post being held for approval so I said 
'No' to 'Send mail to poster when their post is held for approval?' but 
this apparently disabled my auto-responder. Does this option override 
the auto-responder?

Also, I was wondering if it was possible to edit the templates used when 
sending subscription confirmation and welcome emails. My welcome emails, 
for example, give instructions on how to post although posting is 
restricted to the admin address. It would be nice if I could edit this 
welcome message, as well as the confirmation message. Is this a 
possibility? (A hack maybe?) :)

One final question. I'm using v2.0.10 and when I change the case of the 
public name of my list (from 'Newsletter' to 'newsletter') it says 
"real_name attribute not changed! It must differ from the list's name by 
case only." hmm... anyone else seeing this?

Ok. Those are all of my questions. Thanks!


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