[Mailman-Users] User List

AerosmithFanClub.com List Admin listadmin at aerosmithfanclub.com
Thu May 16 20:52:33 CEST 2002

At 04:17 PM 5/16/2002 +0200, you wrote:
 >"AerosmithFanClub.com List Admin" wrote:
 >> At 12:35 AM 5/16/2002 -0700, you wrote:
 >>  >On Thu, May 16, 2002 at 03:25:53AM -0400, AerosmithFanClub.com List Admin
 >>  >wrote:
 >>  >> Does not work in a shared environment.  PERMISSION DENIED every time!
 >>  >
 >>  >Uh?
 >>  >You gotta be part of the group mailman to have permissions on the db.
 >> Damn this really sucks.  I imagine this software just was not designed to
 >> run in a shared environment.
 >permissions are a basic requirement for shared environments. you
 >obviously don't know what you are talking about. the problem is: you
 >talk loudly.

You stick your nose where it doesn't belong.  I fully know permissions.  In 
a shared environment not all users have the permissions to access 
certain'master' files.  You do know what I mean by a master file.  It is a 
basic concept.

 >please try to understand the basic principles of open-source software
 >(and while you're at it, there is a good howto by eric raymond on how to
 >ask intelligent questions, you might want to digest that too) before you
 >post again to this list.

The fact that the software is open source is not even slightly relevant.

 >then try to get a clue about the fact that your way to use mailing lists
 >is not the only way in this solar system. more precisely, yours is in
 >fact a very special, rather limited usage of mailing lists, which is why
 >you don't understand what most of mailman's features are about.

A news list rather than a discussion list is not specialized at all.  Many 
sites use them.  When you go to a site where you have to register you often 
have a check box to sign up to receive information from them.  guess 
what?  That's a NEWS list.  You can't send to it.  I fully understand how 
MM works.  It works in a limited manner with little flexibility.

 >stop being obnoxious to people who donate software to you. get yourself
 >out of bed, learn python and contribute. or buy some guy that will
 >spoon-feed you the basics and whine to him.

Obnoxious is the people on the list who answer damn near every question on 
here with a curt "read the FAQ". or worse.  Often the FAQ does not say 
anything about the question asked other than "it can't be done".  In that 
case the obnoxious jerk who replied could have easily made comment to the 
limitation, etc.  Asking for help and making suggestions for improvements 
is not being obnoxious.  Maybe in your country all folks do is take what 
they are given and move along never trying to improve things.  That's not 
the way it is done in the rest of reality.  You again make a poor 
assumption here that everyone who uses Open Source (whether by choice or 
not) is automatically a programmer.  Funny how the users here are the ones 
whining when I ask a question whereas (at least one of) the programmers 
have answered (at least some of) my questions with real answers in direct 

 >in the mean time, welcome to yet another killfile.

Poor baby!  Had your little feelings hurt so you take your toys and go home 
to mommy.  Oh well it is asshole like you who should not even be allowed on 
the Internet.  If you want to be involved in a conversation stay in it for 
the whole thing.  Otherwise just shut to hell up and quit showing how 
childish and immature the little boys in your country are.


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