[Mailman-Users] AOL disabling Reply All button - is this unique?

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Sun Mar 3 13:35:31 CET 2002

I got the following message from a user on a Mailman-managed list:

    >> I have a technical question.  On all the CEDU mailing list e-mail I
    >> get, the reply to all button is blanked out so I can only reply to
    >> the person sending the mail.  I've also been having some problems
    >> with AOL.  Is this related, or unique to this site?  I've got several
    >> other groups I send to, but no others have this particular problem.

I do not mess with the Reply-To header, so it refers to the poster, not the
list.  Any ideas why AOL might be disabling the Reply All button?  That is,
is it something AOL doesn't like about Mailman or is it something specific
to this user?


Skip Montanaro (skip at pobox.com - http://www.mojam.com/)

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