[Mailman-Users] removing a list

Darren backdoc at crotchett.com
Sun Jan 6 08:00:29 CET 2002

I am installing Postfix and Mailman on FreeBSD.

I've found the rmlist file and have attempted to use it (from within the
/bin directory).  But, for some reason, my list keeps showing up.  I've
tried following the link to the list from localhost using lynx.  The page
returns, "No such list hinds".  That's what the error logs say too.
Jan 05 23:09:33 2002 (54196) listinfo: no such list "hinds":

If you go to $mydomain/mailman/admin and follow the calculus link, you will
get the opportunity to put in a password.  However, if you do this from
localhost via lynx, you will get the "no such list" error.

Here is what happens.  When I run ./list_lists, I get the list I created
during installation:
fbsd# ./list_lists
2 matching mailing lists found:
    Hinds calculus ii - [no description available]
                 Test - [no description available]

When I try to remove it, I get:
fbsd# ./rmlist Hinds\ calculus\ ii
Not removing archives.  Reinvoke with -a to remove them.
Removing list info

fbsd# ./list_lists
2 matching mailing lists found:
    Hinds calculus ii - [no description available]
                 Test - [no description available]

fbsd# ./rmlist -a Hinds\ calculus\ ii
Removing list info
hinds calculus ii private archives not found as
/usr/local/mailman/archives/private/hinds calculus ii
Removing private archives
Removing public archives
Removing public archives

fbsd# ./list_lists
2 matching mailing lists found:
    Hinds calculus ii - [no description available]
                 Test - [no description available]

Can you remove a list by just deleting the related directory in /lists/<list
name> and its archives?


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