[Mailman-Users] 2 questions...removing headers & viewing bounces

Golda Velez gvelez at webglimpse.net
Thu Dec 26 17:06:22 CET 2002

Hello Mailman folks

Thanks very much for great & needed software - I've been using Majordomo
for years but Mailman on first go-round looks much easier to administer,
and the big plus is auto-handling of bounced messages.

However - two questions, that I can't find anywhere in the docs

	1) Can I safely remove a lot of the headers from
Mailman/Handlers/CookHeaders.py?  There's just too much for users to have
to wade thru on every message, I want the end-user messages to be as clean
and brief as possible.  I did remove some, but I'd like to know if its
kosher to do so...

	2) I'm getting what appears to be spurious bounce notices, but I don't
seem to be able to view the actual bounced message in order to see why.  I
have a list with 4 users including myself, and the 3 remote users are all
reporting bounces on every message, even though I can mail them by hand
without a problem.  (Maybe related to my header removal?  But some of the
bounces were before I did that)

Thanks very much for your code and help!  By the way if you have any use
please feel free to have commercial copy of Webglimpse index software, just
reply and I will assign username & password.  Then you could index all the
mailman-related sites and make them searchable in one place - and maybe
reduce some of these questions ;-)

Golda Velez         gvelez at webglimpse.net       626-792-9277
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Webglimpse Search Software             http://webglimpse.net
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