[Mailman-Users] Problem with Postfix

Geoffrey King gking at evildomain.dyndns.org
Thu Nov 29 19:56:28 CET 2001

The cgi's are working fine.

I've checked the main.cf and it reads as follows.

default_privs = nobody

so.. I reran configure with the --with-mail-gid=nobody But it complained
that nobody is not a group.
Indeed it isn't. The group that servers that funcion on SuSE is 'nogroup'. I
tried that too.
Anyways, postfix still complains as before regardless.

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas T. Veldhouse [mailto:veldy at veldy.net]
Sent: 29 November 2001 06:46
To: gking at evildomain.dyndns.org
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Problem with Postfix

Did you try:

'configure --with-cgi-gid=nobody --with-mail-gid=nobody

This is the typical setup on FreeBSD.

You can find the mail-gid in your /etc/postfix/main.cf  -- look for:

     default_privs = nobody

You can find your cgi-gid in /etc/apache/httpd.conf -- look for:

    User nobody
    Group nobody

Use the Group entry of course.  On many Linux installations, Apache is set
up with group "nogroup" and postfix uses group "nobody".  In this case:

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mailman --with-cgi-gid=nogroup --with-mail-g
make all
postfix stop
make install
postfix start

Tom Veldhouse
veldy at veldy.net

----- Original Message -----
From: "Geoffrey King" <gking at evildomain.dyndns.org>
To: <mailman-users at python.org>
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 12:28 PM
Subject: RE: [Mailman-Users] Problem with Postfix

> I've changed the gid of wrapper to postfix. The error is unchanged.
> Is there anyway I can stop postfix from doing this check?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Tomblin [mailto:ptomblin at xcski.com]
> Sent: 29 November 2001 06:23
> To: Geoffrey King
> Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Problem with Postfix
> Quoting Geoffrey King (gking at evildomain.dyndns.org):
> > I've changed the gid of wrapper to postfix. The error is unchanged.
> >
> > Is there anyway I can stop postfix from doing this check?
> I don't know.  I've never had the problem.  I guess you should take this
> back to the mailing list.
> --
> Paul Tomblin <ptomblin at xcski.com>, not speaking for anybody
> Heuristics are bug ridden by definition.  If they didn't have bugs,
> then they'd be algorithms.
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