[Mailman-Users] a ? from United Nations Cyberschoolbus

Dan Mick dmick at utopia.West.Sun.COM
Tue Nov 13 00:27:33 CET 2001

Although the display on the web page may show only an excerpt,
when you approve you approve the entire message.  You can change
how much text appears on the web page independently.

> Hi Mailman people,
> I have never used our Mailman before, and I'm the sort of asst. admin
> person for it.  My question is this:  The message I posted and want to send
> out is quite long (a newsletter for our users). When I went to approve my
> own message, I saw that the message "Excerpt" cut off at about a
> three-quarters of the real message.  i've set the preferences to no limit
> for posting length.  Should I be worried about this?  Please write back as
> soon as you can, OK?  Thanks.  I know this may be a dumb question.
> CW
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