[Mailman-Users] RH-7.1 mailman instalation problem

Damir Dezeljin Dezo at nib.si
Thu Jun 21 20:51:50 CEST 2001

Dear all,

I have a RedHat-7.1 box with postfix. I tried to set up mailman
(mailman-2.0.1-2.rpm) ... I installed it with rpm -Uvh mailman-2.0.1-2.rpm,
than folow the instructions in /usr/share/doc/mailman-2.0.1/INSTALL . When I
run bin/check_perms I got:
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "bin/check_perms", line 50, in ?
    MAILMAN_GRPNAME = grp.getgrgid(MAILMAN_GID)[0]
TypeError: illegal argument type for built-in operation

I ignore the error and continue the setup ... I add a list with bin/newlist
and I try to subscribe to it trought web ... I got an E-Mail and I replay to
it just how it wants. When I do this I got an e-mail with error:
<dezo-request at pc.mojadomena.si>: Command died with status 2:
    "/var/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd dezo". Command output: Failure to
    script. WANTED gid 12, GOT gid 99.  (Reconfigure to take 99?)

I checked /var/log/maillog:
Jun 21 17:31:24 pc postfix/local[2504]: 2721FEB67:
to=<dezo-request at pc.mojadomena.si>, relay=local, delay=0, status=bounced
(Command died with status 2: "/var/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd dezo".
Command output: Failure to exec script. WANTED gid 12, GOT gid 99.
(Reconfigure to take 99?) )

Can someone help me to solve the problem or point me on some HOWTO or doc
where can I find how to install an mailman rpm ???

Damir Dezeljin

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