[Mailman-Users] Sendail alternative

MikeT at scitechsoft.com MikeT at scitechsoft.com
Mon Jan 8 22:08:42 CET 2001

While trying to get mailman to work correctly I have found that sendmail 
has been altered and or modified by the manufacture of our server.  We 
are currently using a Cobalt raq 4.  I can not get mailman or  the raq4 to 
accept a post to a list.  The server also will not alias correctly.

Would Qmail be a good choice for a second MTA,  Are there procedures 
to use a second MTA.  

Thank You

     SciTech Software, Inc.
Michael E. Todd 
Chico, CA  95928
530-894-8400 #151

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