[Mailman-Users] 1. Subscribe 2. Reply 3. No Error anywhere... Using Sendmail on RH7

Stanton Schell stanton at livsform.com
Thu Feb 22 07:13:25 CET 2001


I am having an unusual problem that is leaving no trail whatsoever.  I have
been through the Install docs and almost the entire mailing list archives
and nothing (well, similar problems, but not a problem at exactly the same

So, I have set up MM in the directory /mailman on my machine.  I have set up
a test list called "speak".  The admin and listinfo sections are working and
so is the CGI part entirely as far as I can see.  I tried subscribing to
this list as a user and get the confirmation email as expected.  I then
reply and then.. nothing.

Here is my Sendmail log entries for the email, which show nothing wrong:

Feb 21 23:18:29 mies sendmail[23475]: f1M4ITZ23475:
from=<stanton at livsform.com>, size=1462, class=0, nrcpts=1,
msgid=<B6B9FDA8.A17%stanton at livsform.com>, proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA,
relay=w120.z064000106.was-dc.dsl.cnc.net []

Feb 21 23:18:32 mies sendmail[23476]: f1M4ITZ23475: to="|/etc/smrsh/wrapper
mailcmd speak", ctladdr=<speak-request at talktothedogg.com> (8/0),
delay=00:00:03, xdelay=00:00:02, mailer=prog, pri=31044, dsn=2.0.0,

I tested sendmail to make sure it could execute another script and it can.

The user is not signed up and the pending status is still on the
subscription request in ~/logs/subscribe.

{As a side note, I also think it is odd that I have signed up for this list,
received the confirmation email immediately, replied to it, all in the same
fashion and have still not heard back from mailman at python.org for a few

Any help would be appreciated :-)

-stanton schell

Stanton Schell
livsform design group
stanton at livsform.com

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