[Mailman-Users] URGENT Please Help: Duplicates with 2.0 final

Todd Joseph todd at connactivity.connactivity.com
Sat Apr 14 03:28:42 CEST 2001

See below for more info.  Since I sent this message the first time,
I've had 1 reply.  I'm thinking I need to include a snappy come-on in
my .sig to get everyone's attention.  I've learned one more thing, the
mailing list had 1 email address with a space in it.  The address
something like:

    blahblah at foobar.org and

When I tried to remove it, I got an error saying something like
"blahblah at foobar.org is not subscribed."  I had to quote the bogus
address in order to remove it.  Could this address have caused
duplicate messages to be sent to some subscribers?

I'm really at an impasse right now.  If I can't reach a comfort level
on what has caused the duplicate messages to be sent, I'll have to
look for something else to manage my mailing lists.  I know people are
using mailman sucessfully, and I must be doing something wrong.

Oh, and I'm running Python 1.5.2


Todd Joseph
todd at connact.com
>Sorry for sending this to developers and users.  I'm not sure which
>group is more appropriate.  
>I've been using 2.0 final for a couple of months now without a
>problem.  I've got roughly 60,000 people on my mailing list and I'm
>using sendmail as the MTA on RH6.2.  The list is moderated and there
>is only 1-2 messages a month.  The last message sent to the list was
>sent to some subscribers twice.  I had seen the problem before with
>2.0rc1.  From the release notes for 2.0rc2, that is documented as
>fixed (bug #117015) (see below).  Anyone know why I would see it
>happen again in 2.0 Final?  
>Here's what I've done:
>(1) Scanned the Archives.  Found a post to mailman-users with no reply
>that seems related.  http://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-users/2001-April
>(2) Looked through Syslog logs for System and Sendmail errors.
>Nothing unusual reported.
>(3) Looked through the Mailman logs dir (/home/mailman/logs).  Nothing
>out of the orinary except in the errors file (see below).  What's
>strange about this is the duplicate message had already been sent by
>this time (the few duplicates checked showed 1st delivery at ~8PM
>April 6 and subsequent delivery at ~2:30AM April 7 -- all times synced
>with NTP on systems tested).
>Excerpt from /home/mailman/logs/errors:
>Apr 07 04:09:18 2001 qrunner(16818): Traceback (innermost last):
>Apr 07 04:09:18 2001 qrunner(16818):   File "/home/mailman/cron/qrunner", line
> 278, in ?
>Apr 07 04:09:18 2001 qrunner(16818):      kids = main(lock)
>Apr 07 04:09:18 2001 qrunner(16818):   File "/home/mailman/cron/qrunner", line
> 256, in main
>Apr 07 04:09:18 2001 qrunner(16818):      dequeue(root)
>Apr 07 04:09:18 2001 qrunner(16818):   File "/home/mailman/cron/qrunner", line
> 184, in dequeue
>Apr 07 04:09:18 2001 qrunner(16818):      os.unlink(root + '.db')
>Apr 07 04:09:18 2001 qrunner(16818): OSError :  [Errno 2] No such file or dire
>ctory: '/home/mailman/qfiles/c879896f57e6392365c42f995f13c09de378bbcd.db' 
>(cut-n-paste for 2.0rc2 release notes)...
>>SourceForge bugs fixed: 116615 (README.BSD update), 117015 (duplicate
>>messages on moderated posts), 117548 (exception in HyperArch.py),
>>117682 (typos), 121185 (vsnprintf signature), 121591 and 122017 (bogus
>>link after web unsubscribe), 121811 (`subscribe' in Subject: doesn't
>>get archived)
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