[Mailman-Users] archives

Sally Duros sally at sduros.com
Sat Oct 28 20:56:18 CEST 2000

Hello - I am not a techie, but I am using MailMan. I have been trying 
to set things up on my list-serve so that members can view the 
archives. I would also like to be able to collect actual names of 
individuals using the list - I am collecting this info for a reunion. 
I donb't know how to do either of these things. I have perused FAQs 
and archives manual  and am still lost. Any advice? Should I move to 
a different program like Topica to get this going?

Sally Duros
Executive Communication
(vox) 773. 327. 9377
(fax) 773. 327. 9395

You can view
my qualifications at

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