[Mailman-Users] Subscribe Email Customisation

Chuck Dale bug at aphid.net
Mon Mar 6 13:30:14 CET 2000

Hi You Awesome Mailman People,

I've been using mailman for a month or so now and it is cool...

One thing that I need to do is make the usage of the mailman mailing
lists on my server very simple. Hence my previous message about removing

Additionally, is it possible to define separate subscribe emails for
each list? 


... thinking ...

Actually, I could do this by making the subscribeack.txt virtually
empty, then putting the full text for the message in each list

But this would be hassle because most of my lists would just use
basically the same as in the default subscribeack.txt. Only a handful
actually need separate subscribe lists.

Therefore it would be nice to be able to override the default subscribe
acknowledge message. (The entire message not just having a list-specific

Thanks for your time,


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