[Mailman-Users] requests for unsubscribe come back to mailman-owner

Christopher P. Lindsey lindsey at mallorn.com
Thu Mar 2 18:35:48 CET 2000

> Thanks, I will upgrade to 1.1 as you suggested, Christopher.  Now I have
> another question.  Is there a way to automatically generate a list of
> bounces, or is this done already?  What I want to do is compare from one
> month to the next and only remove the ones that bounce for consecutive
> months. 

Unfortunately, not from within Mailman.  I know what you mean though, and
I've been wanting bounces compared the previous month as well.

You could try wrapping the account that receives the bounces with a 
procmail script or somesuch; the script could save a list of bounced
addresses for future comparison.  The hardest part would be the actual
extraction of email addresses, though...

Unless you have a prohibitively large number of bounces, it might be 
easiest to just deal with it by hand for now.


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