[Mailman-Users] `Password reminder' message lacks some helpful properties

Ian Jackson ijackson at chiark.greenend.org.uk
Fri May 7 12:32:14 CEST 1999

Observe the attached bounce message.  Unfortunately, I can't easily do
anything about it because the original message doesn't tell me which
list(s) it relates to.  Furthermore, the password reminders are sent
with envelope from mailman-owner rather than the listowner; this means
that the wrong person has to deal with it.

Would it be possible for a future version of Mailman to:

(a) Provide correct machine-readable information about which list(s)
the message relates to in the headers.  (Complete information would be
nice, but at least one correct entry would allow me to find a hook
into fixing the problem.)

(b) Change the envelope from for these messages to be the listowner of
at least one of the relevant lists.

?  (I'm using Mailman 1.0b11.)


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