[Mailman-Developers] Bug in mailman-bundler

Aurelien Bompard aurelien at bompard.org
Mon Apr 28 10:04:55 CEST 2014

Hey Abhilash!

> I was trying out mailman-bundler and have setup a demo here [1]. I notice
> that with 'USE_SSL=True' in development.py deployment settings, there is a
> redirect loop while logging in[2]. I had to disable it to deploy.

Hmm, this parameter should be ignored if DEBUG is True. But you're
right, I had already seen this happen on Florian's install, so I'll
just disable it in deployment.py just to be sure.

> (The demo server still needs to be hooked up with postfix).

Yes, and the bundler generates configuration examples for Postfix, so
it should be rather easy.

> Also maybe you can configure your launchpad repo of mailman-bundler to
> handle bug reporting? I saw that it needs to be enabled for individual
> repositories.

Right, I missed that. Done now, thanks.


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