[Mailman-Developers] GSoC discussion

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Tue May 7 20:13:50 CEST 2013

Manish Gill writes:

 > So, for example, in trying to expose `MailingList` objects, as of
 > now, there is no way to post messages to a list externally.

Out of scope.  You could do something that would allow a quick, urgent
message to be posted, but you are very likely to embarrass yourself,
and us.  Eg, http://code.google.com/p/soc/issues/detail?id=1843. :-)

 > Similarly, something to extend the Member model so that privileges
 > make sense on an API level - with Owners and Moderators being able
 > to perform certain actions that are not exposed to regular members,
 > etc.

I think Wacky would disagree with that strategy.  Extending the member
model is not a maintainable strategy.  There are several alternatives
that are more extensible.

 > What will be useful to have:
 > - Methods to provide filtering based on various criteria.

Filter what?

 > Wacky:
 >      1. One way to look at moderators is that it is nothing more than 
 > another mailing list (with different policies about subscribing,
 > etc.)
 >      2. Another way is to consider it to be an additional roster of a 
 > different class of subscribers.
 >      3. Another way is to treat each subscription as having one or more 
 > roles.

Another way is ACLs on resources.

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