[Mailman-Developers] Wiki woes

Terri Oda terri at zone12.com
Tue Dec 11 02:31:50 CET 2012

On 12/10/2012 12:37 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Dec 10, 2012, at 11:04 AM, Terri Oda wrote:
> Don't forget that we have a support contract with the hosting provider under
> our open source license.  I think you've been CC'd on some of the previous
> emails, but if you have any questions for them or Atlassian, feel free to
> contact them about it.

I think the last time I tried to email them they told me I wasn't on the 
designated support list and I had to get you to send them the question, 
actually... but I vaguely recall that I might be on the list now.   But 
yeah, I'll see about asking them, I was just sort of hoping that I'd 
just missed it hidden in the options somewhere and someone here would be 
able to tell me where it was buried.

> I suppose the other option is to just get a new moin site up and not worry
> about migration, which is what I think has defeated all our previous
> volunteers.  We'd have dual content for a while, maybe forever, and we'd have
> to think about what to call the two hosts, but it's doable.  It might be
> easier for volunteers to manually transfer information from one wiki to the
> other than to automate that.  (Some content won't be transferable directly
> anyway.)

That's not idea, but it's not a terrible idea given that I *think* we're 
going to want to start a new Mailman 3 FAQ and have some easy way for 
people to tell what version they're searching.

Also, I have some thoughts on updating the website to correspond with 
the Mailman 3.0 release.  I believe last time we talked about this we 
suggested that website-by-committee wasn't going to go anywhere, but 
I'll organize my brain and maybe a few of us could chat about it when we 
meet up to hack on Saturday?


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