[Mailman-Developers] MM3 - preventing command summary by email

Peter Holzer devlists at irrtum.com
Sun Aug 19 16:50:37 CEST 2012

I'm working with Robert on a newsletter project where we want to use Mailman 3
Therefore we'll use a moderated list to send out content to the subscribers.

In my opinion or at least for our usecase it doesn't make much sense to send 
2 mails to the subscriber, one that tells the user "Confirmation email sent" and 
sending a mail to the user that he should confirm his email address.
If the command is successful, at least when there is only one command executed,
it should be enough to send the actual result of the command.

Would that be reasonable to make that configurable?
Where would be the right place to hook in and at least prevent such "double" send outs?

One other thing, I think it would be nice to have the actual list name in the subject
of the action mails, for example "MyMailinglist confirm 66c0886...." instead of confirm 66c0886...."
and it wouldn't interfere with the actual commands being executed as far as i could test it.
How about adding this to mailman3 core and where to add it?


agitator - weblösungen
Peter Holzer
Sumatrastrasse 25 
CH-8006 Zürich
Tel. +41 43 544 08 85

> Fri, 03 Aug 2012 10:48:46 -0700
> On Aug 03, 2012, at 04:55 PM, Robert Niederreiter wrote:
> >Is there a way to disable command summary sent by mail? e.g. after
> >subscription and subscription confirmation.
> Not currently.  Why do you want to suppress the results?
> -Barry

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