[Mailman-Developers] dkim-signature headers

Bob Puff@NLE bob at nleaudio.com
Mon Feb 5 19:02:24 CET 2007

> I'm afraid that intransigence from the mailing list community is likely to
> really backfire. Mailing list traffic is an extremely small percentage 
> of traffic,
> and most admins are likely to just ignore the collateral damage if it's too
> much a nuisance. Don't get me wrong: I spend far too much of my day on
> mailing lists and would really like things to work out. But hard line 
> positions
> in the face of thorny engineering tradeoffs doesn't help.
>        Mike

Hmm, not sure where that statistic comes from, but I'd say 25% of the mail that enters my couple
hundred domains I admin originates from mailing lists.  They may not necessarily be discussion lists
like this (although I'd say perhaps 5-10% is), but also the "targeted marketing" types are also
using mailing lists.


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