[Mailman-Developers] preferred documentation format, sources for documentation in admin/www

Joost van Baal j.e.vanbaal at uvt.nl
Wed Jan 4 16:57:33 CET 2006


I'd like to document my patch for making Mailman OpenPGP and S/MIME
aware ( http://non-gnu.uvt.nl/pub/mailman/ ).  I'd like this
documentation to integrate nicely with the official Mailman
documenation.  What is the preferred format for creating documentation?

I believe it's LaTeX.  However, the sources for
mailman-{admin,install,member}.{ps,pdf,txt} are neither in
cvs/sf/mailman/mailman/admin/www nor in mailman-2.1.7.tgz .  It'd help
me if these sources got published somewhere.

Thanks, Bye,


Joost van Baal                            http://abramowitz.uvt.nl/
                                                 Tilburg University
j.e.vanbaal at uvt.nl                                  The Netherlands
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