[Mailman-Developers] Alternate user (and admin) interfaces

Fil fil at rezo.net
Thu Jul 15 00:43:47 CEST 2004

> these, and is rather overwhelming as a result.  Since I haven't found 
> other people making these interfaces, I'm guessing: (a) I'm not looking 
> in the right places, (b) people are doing this but not sharing their 
> results, (c) and it's so easy they don't even need to ask public 
> questions about it, (d) or it's so hard they give up quickly, (e) or 
> it's easy but fragile, and people create lots of prototypes but nothing 
> serious, (e) or everyone lacks the imagination or interest to try.

I'd say (d).

Personnaly I've made a php subscribe/unsuscribe popup page for my site,
check it out at http://listes.rezo.net/popup/

-- Fil

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