[Mailman-Developers] Conjugation with usenet: private list, open newsgroup.

Andrzej Kasperowicz andyk at spunge.org
Sat Jan 10 19:36:54 EST 2004

Admin of my server moved some time ago one of my lists to Mailman, but 
the other one he did not, because the other one is conjugated with a 
usenet news group, and he said that he can't do that under mailman, 
because in order to conjungate it in direction usenet -> list the list 
would have to be open for everyone, or moderator would have to confirm 
every post send from persons not subscribed to the list. 
Is that true?
If yes, then... ok I understand the initial legitimate idea that if 
usenet group is open to everyone then the list should be too, or both 
should be moderated.
The problem is however, that to the mailing list address are coming 
hundreds of spams *per day* (even though spamassassin is installed), so 
it cannot be open. I could not also find silly enough moderator to 
manually delete hundreds of spams daily.
The only solution is to allow private list to be conjugated with an open 
usenet group.
I request to allow it in mailman *as soon as possible*.


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