[Mailman-Developers] How to use real virtual hosting?

Remco van den Berg Remco.vandenBerg at dse.nl
Tue Mar 4 11:04:37 EST 2003

Dear developpers,

I'm working as a volunteer for an non-profit ISP-like organisation
named Digitale Stad Eindhoven (Digital City Eindhoven) in de Netherlands.
(DSE http://www.dse.nl/)

We provide web service to all kind of organisations in and around Eindhoven.
Many sports clubs for example do have their website on our DSE server.

The sports clubs do have their own virtual domain on our server.
For exaple: volleyballclub.dse.nl  and  soccerclub.dse.nl

Every club also have their own account name. Let's asume we are dealing
with the unix accounts "volley" and "soccer" in this example.

So far the intro... now my problem/questions...

I'm looking at installing mailman on our server with the purpose to
give the mailing list service to our clubs.

But, as far as I understand mailman for now, mailman isn't really programmed
in such a way that it can deal with virtual hosts. Only the web interface
is aware of virtual hosting. Am I right?

When installing a mailing list for a soccerclub we cannot run the same
list on a different virtual domain for the volleyball club. True?

We want for example these (different!) lists:

  team1 at volleybalclub.dse.nl  and  team1 at soccerclub.dse.nl

The aliases needed for these mailing lists are stored in the same
alias file and so they cannot exist together.

OK, I think everybody understands our problem now.

Main questions are:

Is there a work-around to use mailmain in this environment?

Can we store lists-data and archives in the home directories of the
accounts linked to the virtual domains?

We don't want to compile and install mailman for every club, so is it
possible to only compile and install the mail wrapper program for every
account? And then install a private mm_cfg.py file for every account
which then points to the private data and archives directories?
Or, can we include an extra command-line-parameter to a global mail wrapper
program which holds the account name?  Such that this parameter will tell
the other scripts (post admin bounces etc.) to look in the home directory
of the account.

Can we work around the fact that all mailing list aliases are also stored
in the non-virtual alias file? So that the aliases in the virtual alias
file directly point to the private mail wrapper of the clubs?

etc. etc.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks for some answers,


  Remco van den Berg (sysadmin DSE)

  Remco van den Berg <Remco.vandenBerg at dse.nl>      Admin DSE      
  http://www.dse.nl/rvdberg/        GSX750F         http://www.dse.nl/       

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