[Mailman-Developers] [2.1b4] /usr/local/mailman/pythonlib has wrong permissions after make install

Dale Newfield Dale@Newfield.org
Mon Nov 4 15:06:52 2002

On Sun, 3 Nov 2002, Ben Gertzfield wrote:
> Could we change the makefile and/or check_perms to ensure that all files
> in mailman/pythonlib are mode 0644, and all directories are 0755?

I've been testing the current CVS on an OSX box running Postfix, and while
I've had very few problems, yet, one thing I did notice it that the
check_perms script insists on looking at/changing *everything* under
$prefix, rather than just those files needed by the installation.  For me
that meant it wanted to change the permissions on all the source code,
too.  That seems silly.
