[Mailman-Developers] Headers and footers not appearing

Ben Gertzfield che@debian.org
Sun, 10 Mar 2002 09:38:12 +0900

>>>>> "Colin" == Colin Mackinlay <colin@mackinlay.demon.co.uk> writes:

    Colin> Hi, I seem to have lost the ability to add a customised
    Colin> footer and header to messages. The FAQ says it was a
    Colin> problem in 2.0 and fixed in 2.1.

Read the list archives -- you're probably posting messages in
iso-8859-1 or utf-8 to a list set to English (us-ascii).  Mailman CVS
does not add footers if the charsets of the message and footers do not

I posted a patch to loosen these rules, always adding footers if the
list is us-ascii, but it hasn't been checked in yet.


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