[Mailman-Developers] Missing footers with latest CVS

Ben Gertzfield che@debian.org
Sun, 03 Mar 2002 11:03:34 +0900

>>>>> "Dan" == Dan Mick <dmick@utopia.West.Sun.COM> writes:

    Dan> Installed latest CVS yesterday, and notice now that some
    Dan> posters are not getting footers added to their messages.  I
    Dan> suspect the footer-add-based- on-language code is at fault,
    Dan> but I haven't had time to isolate a pattern yet.  Anyway,
    Dan> consider this Distant Early Warning that that code isn't
    Dan> working for some otherwise-untroubled list members.

Maybe it's working as intended? ;)

Are they posting messages with a charset that is not the same as the
mailing list's charset?  The default charset is us-ascii; I will
hazard a guess that they are posting messages flagged as UTF-8 or
ISO-8859-1 but that are really us-ascii.

We can add a work around for this, but it will be hard.


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