[Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-Users] * Mailman Docs Moving *

Ricardo F. Kustner ricardo@rixhq.nu
Thu, 30 Aug 2001 00:39:17 +0200

On Wed, 29 Aug 2001 17:40:46 -0400
barry@zope.com (Barry A. Warsaw) wrote:

> >>>>> "RFK" == Ricardo F Kustner <ricardo@rixhq.nu> writes:
>     RFK> This reminds me about something I've been thinking about
>     RFK> lately... what about having some sort of (GNU blessed? :))
>     RFK> dynamic FAQ system on the Mailman site? 
> It would probably be easy to take Python's FAQ wizard (in the Python
> source distro under Tools/faqwiz) and clone it for Mailman's use.  I'm
> not sure where to do that though.  The most convenient place for me
> would probably be on www.python.org, but that may not be the most
> logical.

I just tested it out... it looks like very usefull; simple yet
effective... it uses RCS for versioning and you don't need a Database...


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