[Mailman-Developers] Re: almost found the b3 bug?... ALMOST

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw@beopen.com
Sun, 2 Jul 2000 14:18:36 -0400 (EDT)

>>>>> "BAW" == Barry A Warsaw <bwarsaw@beopen.com> writes:

    BAW> Unfortunately it's not immediately obvious why this triggers
    BAW> the bug.  I will look into it, but I probably will not have
    BAW> time before Tuesday night to do much.  We'll see if I get
    BAW> lucky in the next 1/2 hour.

And indeed I did!  Here's a patch that should fix things for you.  I'm
not entirely sure this is the RTTD, so I'm not checking it in just
yet.  It'll definitely fix your problem, but I want to think about it
over the next day or two.

If this still `smells good' Tuesday night, I'll roll this in with the
bin/newlist fix and issue a beta4.


Index: ListAdmin.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/mailman/mailman/Mailman/ListAdmin.py,v
retrieving revision 1.42
diff -u -r1.42 ListAdmin.py
--- ListAdmin.py	2000/06/28 21:48:12	1.42
+++ ListAdmin.py	2000/07/02 18:17:12
@@ -135,6 +135,11 @@
             del self.__db[id]
     def HoldMessage(self, msg, reason, msgdata={}):
+        # Make a copy of msgdata so that subsequent changes won't corrupt the
+        # request database.
+        newmsgdata = {}
+        newmsgdata.update(msgdata)
+        msgdata = newmsgdata
         # assure that the database is open for writing
         # get the next unique id