[Merge] lp:~varun/postorius/postorius_gsoc2013_modified into lp:postorius

Varun Sharma varunsharmalive at gmail.com
Fri May 17 20:19:38 CEST 2013

Varun Sharma has proposed merging lp:~varun/postorius/postorius_gsoc2013_modified into lp:postorius.

Requested reviews:
  Florian Fuchs (flo-fuchs)

For more details, see:

Added deletion of user functionality for superusers. Added view user_delete to views/user.py and template user_confirm_delete.html to templates/users. As per the suggestions from florian and steve, i have improved few things from my last merge request like handling of MailmanApiError and showing email id in notification rather than display name which was not a mandatory field.
Your team Mailman Coders is subscribed to branch lp:postorius.
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