[Mailman-Announce] (no subject)

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw@cnri.reston.va.us
Sat, 10 Jul 1999 13:00:53 -0400 (EDT)

Cc python-announce@python.org
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Mailman 1.0rc3
X-Mailer: VM 6.71 under 21.1 "20 Minutes to Nikko" XEmacs Lucid (patch 2)
Reply-To: bwarsaw@cnri.reston.va.us (Barry A. Warsaw)
X-Attribution: BAW
X-Oblique-Strategy: A very small object. Its center
X-Url: http://www.python.org/~bwarsaw
X-Face: bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass bass

Hi folks,

Mailman 1.0 release candidate 3 (1.0rc3) has just been uploaded to
www.list.org.  This is an important bug fix release which primarily
fixes a performance problem in the archiver.  Since the GNU folks are
getting ready to put together their next source CDROM, this increases
the possibility that 1.0rc3 will be short-lived -- with 1.0 final
right around the corner!

From the NEWS file:


- new script bin/check_perms which checks (and optionally fixes) the
  permissions and group ownerships of the files in your Mailman

- Removed a bottleneck in the archiving code that was causing
  performance problems on highly loaded servers.

- The code that saves a list's state and configuration database has
  been made more robust.

- Additional exception handlers have been added in several places to
  alleviate problems with Mailman bombing out when it really would be
  better to print/log a helpful message.

- The "password" mail command will now mail back the sender's
  subscription password when given with no arguments.

- The embarrassing subject-prefixing bug present in rc2 has been

- A small (but nice :) collection of other squashed bugs.

On behalf of the entire development team,