[Madison] [ANN] MadPUG - A New Python Users' Group in Madison, WI

Chuck Martin cwurld at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 23 16:53:47 CEST 2013


Thanks for getting this going again. If you are desperate for speakers, I would be willing to speak just to get that ball rolling.

My topic would be "Javascript for Python Programmers". For years, I have been solving problems on the server side (Django) and minimizing the Javascript I have to write. I treated JS as Python with different syntax. Recently I have been doing a project I am trying to do as much as possible on the client side. This forced me to really learn JS and I discover that JS is significantly different from Python.

Chuck Martin

 From: Ian Cordasco <graffatcolmingov at gmail.com>
To: python-announce-list at python.org; madison at python.org 
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2013 6:12 PM
Subject: [Madison] [ANN] MadPUG - A New Python Users' Group in Madison, WI

Hey all,

I wanted to first announce a python users' group in Madison, WI and
second ask that anyone with a desire to speak at the first meet-up get
in touch. Devin Walters and I are using meetup.com to coordinate the
event and would hope to start holding meet-ups on a regular basis.

If you're interested please join the group here: http://www.meetup.com/MadPUG/

We would also be willing to use madison at python.org which once hosted
the list for a PUG in Madison (but seems rather inactive) if the
python community would like.


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